Thursday, December 24, 2009

Memory dulu

Dulu aku pernah di suruh membikin karangan tentang apa yang aku rasakan dan alami selama bekerja di kantorku yang juga berfungsi sebagai Islamic Center itu. Waktu itu aku baru saja bekerja sekitar lima bulanan. Sekarang sudah sekitar tiga tahun aku resign dan tidak pernah bekerja lagi dan aku teringat lagi semua memory yang dulu. Aku bekerja mulai dari bulan February 2005 sampai February 2006. Hanya tepat setahun aku bekerja dan berhenti di karenakan menikah dan pindah negara. Lucunya bulan masuk dan berenti itu sama padahal tidak direncanakan sama sekali (what a coincidence). Silahkan di nikmati and feel free to leave your comment but not about grammar ya 
Arita’s opinion about Dar Al Arqam
I still remember the first time when I came to Dar Al Arqam. It was in the Ramadan when there was an activity that was done by Indonesian stream. At that time my brother took part in the activity and I with my mom should accompany him to go home because it was so late. The activity is ‘Pesantren Kilat’ the usual activity that is done by most of moslem in my country Indonesia but in English we can say it ‘the subject that is given very fast at the one time’ so the Indonesian say it kilat or lighting. At that time there was nothing in my head to work in Dar Al Arqam at all or coming to the building for the second time.

Someone’s opinion could change so it is mine. At the first time when I came here, I just think to spend six months and after that I will go home to my own country to continue my school to the higher level. One day I came to my friend’s house and after we talk for hours she said there was a vacancy in Dar Al Arqam but she said that my friend,Yuni wanted to work there. She had been already promoted by Mr. Munawir, one of the popular Indonesian in the Dar Al Arqam to Mrs. Dalia, the Dar Al Arqam Coordinator but she refused it because she felt she could not work there. I went to my house with a plan, “this time I want to work”. I just wanted to make my parents proud that I can work since I was the second daughter in my family and also the older at least that was in my mind before I work.

My plan begun when I called Mrs. Soraya, one of the teachers there. I decided to go to Dar Al Arqam tomorrow morning. I had already told my father about my plan and he seems to agree with it. I did not know the way to go there but I did not care about it, I will find the way. Lucky, my father who want to go somewhere dropped me to go there so there was an interview happened among me, my father and Mrs. Dalia (what a funny thing because as I know an interview only happens between two people). Later I knew that I had already met Mrs. Dalia in the first time I arrived to Qatar. It was Tuesday evening 18 October 2004 in Al Waha Ball room when there was fast breaking or iftar there, one of the Dar Al Arqam’s activities that I know several months later after I work there.

Being in Dar Al Arqam is very amazing for me. I know many things about many countries. Their culture, social and many more but I still got culture shock too, may be because I am not used to live here. It is my first job that I will be paid, before I had worked in the school as a teacher of English subject in elementary school. At that time I was not paid because it was one of the important requirements for my graduation that was held in October 13th 2004.

Dar Al Arqam’s building is the same as the C building but Dar Al Arqam is all of the houses in the building (four houses). The number is C-85, situated in the street: 34. Soon it becomes the first word that I have to say to the another office, like this: “hallo, this is Dar Al Arqam C-85 and bla-bla”. It has four streams such as: Indonesian, Pakistani, Arab and also Indian.

Everybody could join the Dar Al Arqam’s classes. It has many categories, for instance: Kids, ladies, gents, boys & girls and also boys. Each stream can be attended for the one who uses the same language, no matter she or he come from Egypt, Algeria, Palestine, Qatar, Bahrain and many more can take part in the stream. I think Arab stream has many students more the other stream. Indian stream is only for the one who uses Malayalam. All I know that Indian only uses Hindi language but my opinion is absolutely wrong because it has many language besides Hindi, may be because all of film that I watch are from Bombay whose language Hindi. Pakistani stream is for the one whose language Urdu. Urdu has a little bit similarity to the Malayalam but its writing just like Arabic. At the beginning I am here, I got many confusions about Indian stream and Pakistani stream. Indonesian stream can be attended for the one who use Melayu language just like Malaysia and also Brunei Darusalam (the richest country in the south east Asian).

Dar Al arqam has many programs besides providing lesson for each stream. It also including ladies trip (the one that I love), boys activity, lectures for Arab ladies also for all nations just like Dar Al Arqam held recently (How to protect your back), cooking demo and many more.

Besides me, there is another assistant here. Her name is Lamia. She is from Egypt the same as Mrs. Dalia. There is another office (Awqaf) but it separates from Dar Al Arqam but still ini one building(C-85-1). The people who worked there are Qatari ladies: there are Eman, Nur and also Hissa. Maymona who comes from Kerala, one of the cities in India is the one who in charge of the cleanliness, tidiness and neatness of this building. We owe to her. I just realized that since she is not here for taking leave. In Awqaf (semacam kantor bagian keagamaan) there is Zubaida and I like the way she smile to me (she always do that whenever she is passing in my room ). They all are married and I am still single (this is my mind).

We have many teacher here. For Awqaf we have Mrs. Ghada, Mrs. Khatam Yosif, Mrs. Wahiba Ali and Mrs. Amal Tabara. Sh. Mohammed Hassan teches Qur’an aspecially for Arab boys. I can’t speak with him because he can’t speak English and I can’t speak Arabic so we just communicate with sign. Evening class for Arabic kids also has teacher whose name is Amna (if I am not mistake about her name). Indonesian has Soraya, Nurdain, Tari, Yuli, Nenny (she is in charge of all of administration regarding to the Indonesian. Actually Indonesian has many teachers beside they that I had already mentioned above but they already gone out just like Dewi, Sa’diyah, Molly and also Nina (the one who in charge of Indonesia before Nenny). Pakistani stream has Mrs. Tahira Yousaf. She is a wife of my father’s friend. She also friendly and she treat me like her friend. Sh. Alam Noor and Shah Alam are the teachers for Pakistani stream who teach Qur’an. Both of them are friendly. India stream has special lesson for gents and the teacher is Sakeer Husain. He is also one of my father’s friends. Whenever he see me he always greet me in our language “Apa kabar? Bagos?. Mujeeb Rahman is the teacher for Indian ladies Qur’an class. Beside them that I had already written, there are Muenudhen, Firose, Yousf for Indian kids but I know nothing about them because they never want to talk with me except for the photocopy matters. They say only “please give me two or five copies of this”. I had already memorized it. Whenever they come to my room only the words goes out from their mouth. I do not know why it happens. All things that I already mentioned above are very interesting and I love to be here and I hope I can work well.

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The beginning of making this blog

Maroko atau al-Magrib (Morocco: Inggris), pada awalnya sungguh tidak pernah terpikirkan autor untuk mengunjunginya apalagi sampai menetap di negeri yang sangat asing tersebut bahkan sangat jarang terdengar oleh telinga dan sedikit pun tidak pernah terbetik di hati saya untuk mengunjunginya.

Ia terletak di benua Afrika bagian utara, berbatasan dengan negara: Spanyol di sebelah utara, Aljazair di sebelah timur, Mauritania di sebelah selatan dan di bagian sisi baratnya membentang lebar samudera Atlantik hingga ke benua Amerika. Jarak dari Indonesia sendiri ditempuh 18 jam perjalanan via airplane.

Maroko menyimpan sejuta kenangan yang hampir dipastikan tidak akan saya lupakan seumur hidup. Bagaimana tidak, di negeri Ibnu Batouta tersebutlah penulis bertemu, menikah dan mengarungi empat tahun bahtera perkawinan. Negerinya sangat eksotik sayang untuk dilupakan begitu saja berlalu termakan waktu.

Tujuan awal penulisan blog ini adalah pengenalan dan penggalian budaya masyarakat setempat (Maroko red) serta dokumentasi perjalanan saya selama merantau di negeri tersebut. Berbekal dengan pengalaman tinggal selama empat tahun tersebut serta keinginan kuat untuk mendokumentasikan cerita-cerita unik pelengkap koleksi foto serta budaya dan tradisi masyarakat setempatlah membuat saya sedikit nekat untuk menuliskan blog pertama saya ini.

Saya memilih Judul "Untaian Cerita dari al-Magribi", untuk mendokumentasikan setiap perjalanan penulis ke daerah-daerah tertentu serta objek unik yang penulis tidak pernah jumpai dimanapun baik di Qatar, tempat bermukim penulis sebelumnya seperti sistem jual beli dan Driyal yang berlaku serta sempat membuat keki dan kelimpungan penulis.

Saya sangat mengharapkan blog ini dapat menjadi semacam buku 'pintar' yang berisi info-info singkat yang dibutuhkan orang yang ingin berkunjung ke negara tersebut juga dapat menjadi tour naratif yang deskriktif sehingga seolah-olah pembaca dapat merasakan 'aroma' Maroko serta menyelami pengalaman saya.

Banyak sekali hal-hal yang sangat layak kita ketahui tentang Maroko, bagaimana tidak Indonesia sebagai Negara Islam terbesar harus tahu tentang sejarah peradaban Andalusia yang sangat lama serta kokoh yang berada di sebagian daerah Maroko. Juga dari segi tokoh-tokoh baik ilmuwan, penjelajah dan pejuang yang mengharumkan segenap persada dunia Islam pada khususnya adalah orang Maroko. Hubungan emosional masyarakat Maroko dan Indonesia yang sangat dekat juga dirasakan penulis sebagai alasan tepat penulisan blog ini. Bagaimana tidak dahulunya proklamator kita dan raja Mohammed V berkarib dekat sampai-sampai terdapat penamaan jalan yang mengambil nama 'Jakarta', 'Bandoeng' serta 'Soekarno' begitu pula terdapat nama tempat 'Casablanca' yang sebenarnya adalah nama salah satu kota penting di Maroko.

Mungkin selama ini terbetik dalam benak kita bahwa universitas Islam yang tertua di dunia adalah Al Azhar-Cairo padahal ditilik dari sejarah ternyata universitas Al Karawiyyin di kota Fes telah berdiri kokoh 120 tahun sebelum Al Azhar serta adalah salah satu alumninya seorang pemimpin gereja katolik tertinggi Vatikan-Roma yaitu Paus Paulus Salvatore VIII!!!.

Arita Agustina Med HATTA