Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cinderella tale

In a kingdom, there was a beautiful and kind hearted girl. She lived with her stepmother and two step sisters because her parents had died. At the house, she was always asked to do all the housework. She was always yelled at and only fed once a day by her stepmother. Her cruel stepsisters called her “Cinderella” because she always looked dirty and dusty. Cinderella meant girl who was dirty and full of dust.
After some time, one day came the royal bodyguard who spread the invitation letter from the palace for everyone to come to the ball. “This is fun…we’ll go and dress up as pretty-pretty.” If I were a princess, mother must be happy”, the step sisters said.
Awaited day arrived, the two stepsisters began to dress up happily. Cinderella was very sad because she was not allowed by her sisters to come at the palace. After all went to the ball, Cinderella back to her room. She was crying loudly because her heart was so upset. “I cannot go to the palace with dirty clothes like this, but I want to go”.
Not long there was a voice, “Cinderella, stop crying”, when Cinderella turned around, she saw a fairy. The fairy smiled kindly, “Cinderella, please take four rats and two lizards”. Once everything was collected by Cinderella, fairy carried rodents and lizards to the pumpkin patch in the backyard. “Voila!” as she spread her magic, there was a miracle. The pumpkin turned into a coach. The mice turned into four horses and lizard turned into two coachmen. The last, Cinderella turned into a beautiful princess, wearing a beautiful gown.
Because happy, Cinderella started dancing around in circles with glass slippers like a butterfly. The fairy said, “Cinderella, the magic effect will disappear after midnight chimes stopped”. “Therefore, please go home before midnight”. “Yes, grandma, thank you, “replied Cinderella. Golden coach set off to bring Cinderella to the palace. After arriving at the palace, she went directly to the palace hall.
Once inside, the views of all attended were on Cinderella. They were very impressed with the beauty of Cinderella. The prince continued to dance with Cinderella. “A woman like you are my desire all this time”, said the prince.
Cinderella forgot the time. Clock began to strike twelve times. “Sorry I have to leave prince…”, Cinderella pulled her hand from the prince, and soon ran out the palace. In the middle of the way, she lost one of her glass slippers, she kept running. The prince chased her, but he lost her track. In the middle of the stairs, the prince picked up Cinderella’s slippers, and determined to find her. The next day, the guards sent by prince visited every house in the kingdom to find the girl whose foot fitted the glass slipper.
Both Cinderella’s sisters tried on the slipper, but their feet were too big.  They forced  their feet to put into the glass slipper until their feet  blistered. At that time, the guards saw Cinderella. “Hey you, please try this slipper on”, he said. Cinderella’s stepmother was angry, “The slipper will not fit her foot!” Cinderella then put her foot into the slipper. Apparently the slipper fitted her foot perfectly. “Ah! You’re the princess”, exlaimed the guards happily.
“Cinderella, congratulations..., “Cinderella looked back, the fairy was standing behind her. “From now on live happily with the prince”. Once the fairy read spell, Cinderella turned into a princess who wore a wedding dress. “The effect of this magic will not dissapear even if the clock struck twelve times”, said the fairy. Cinderella and the prince went to the palace escorted by rats and birds which have been the friends of Cinderella.
Arriving at the palace, the prince greeted her, smiling happily. Finally Cinderella married the prince and they lived happily ever after.

Copied from the book published by Pustaka Dunia

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The beginning of making this blog

Maroko atau al-Magrib (Morocco: Inggris), pada awalnya sungguh tidak pernah terpikirkan autor untuk mengunjunginya apalagi sampai menetap di negeri yang sangat asing tersebut bahkan sangat jarang terdengar oleh telinga dan sedikit pun tidak pernah terbetik di hati saya untuk mengunjunginya.

Ia terletak di benua Afrika bagian utara, berbatasan dengan negara: Spanyol di sebelah utara, Aljazair di sebelah timur, Mauritania di sebelah selatan dan di bagian sisi baratnya membentang lebar samudera Atlantik hingga ke benua Amerika. Jarak dari Indonesia sendiri ditempuh 18 jam perjalanan via airplane.

Maroko menyimpan sejuta kenangan yang hampir dipastikan tidak akan saya lupakan seumur hidup. Bagaimana tidak, di negeri Ibnu Batouta tersebutlah penulis bertemu, menikah dan mengarungi empat tahun bahtera perkawinan. Negerinya sangat eksotik sayang untuk dilupakan begitu saja berlalu termakan waktu.

Tujuan awal penulisan blog ini adalah pengenalan dan penggalian budaya masyarakat setempat (Maroko red) serta dokumentasi perjalanan saya selama merantau di negeri tersebut. Berbekal dengan pengalaman tinggal selama empat tahun tersebut serta keinginan kuat untuk mendokumentasikan cerita-cerita unik pelengkap koleksi foto serta budaya dan tradisi masyarakat setempatlah membuat saya sedikit nekat untuk menuliskan blog pertama saya ini.

Saya memilih Judul "Untaian Cerita dari al-Magribi", untuk mendokumentasikan setiap perjalanan penulis ke daerah-daerah tertentu serta objek unik yang penulis tidak pernah jumpai dimanapun baik di Qatar, tempat bermukim penulis sebelumnya seperti sistem jual beli dan Driyal yang berlaku serta sempat membuat keki dan kelimpungan penulis.

Saya sangat mengharapkan blog ini dapat menjadi semacam buku 'pintar' yang berisi info-info singkat yang dibutuhkan orang yang ingin berkunjung ke negara tersebut juga dapat menjadi tour naratif yang deskriktif sehingga seolah-olah pembaca dapat merasakan 'aroma' Maroko serta menyelami pengalaman saya.

Banyak sekali hal-hal yang sangat layak kita ketahui tentang Maroko, bagaimana tidak Indonesia sebagai Negara Islam terbesar harus tahu tentang sejarah peradaban Andalusia yang sangat lama serta kokoh yang berada di sebagian daerah Maroko. Juga dari segi tokoh-tokoh baik ilmuwan, penjelajah dan pejuang yang mengharumkan segenap persada dunia Islam pada khususnya adalah orang Maroko. Hubungan emosional masyarakat Maroko dan Indonesia yang sangat dekat juga dirasakan penulis sebagai alasan tepat penulisan blog ini. Bagaimana tidak dahulunya proklamator kita dan raja Mohammed V berkarib dekat sampai-sampai terdapat penamaan jalan yang mengambil nama 'Jakarta', 'Bandoeng' serta 'Soekarno' begitu pula terdapat nama tempat 'Casablanca' yang sebenarnya adalah nama salah satu kota penting di Maroko.

Mungkin selama ini terbetik dalam benak kita bahwa universitas Islam yang tertua di dunia adalah Al Azhar-Cairo padahal ditilik dari sejarah ternyata universitas Al Karawiyyin di kota Fes telah berdiri kokoh 120 tahun sebelum Al Azhar serta adalah salah satu alumninya seorang pemimpin gereja katolik tertinggi Vatikan-Roma yaitu Paus Paulus Salvatore VIII!!!.

Arita Agustina Med HATTA