Thursday, April 5, 2012

Princess Buluh

Long time ago, Deli serdang was lead by a king who has three sons. One of them, the second son was very fond of hunting. He was alway hunting with Belang, his loyal hunter dog and his guards.
One day, the second prince went hunting but he found nothing to hunt for. The afternoon came, but they still got nothing. One of his guards suggested him to stop hunting and went home for the sun was getting set. But the second prince insisted to continue their hunting. “You could go home if all of you tired. I’m going to hunt with Belang”. “Belang, You’d still accompanied me, right?”   
“Guk, the dog answered yes. The guards were finally stays with the prince. It’s impossible to leave the prince only with the dog. The king would be upset, but that day was not their fortunate day since no animal in sight.“You’re right, today is not my lucky day, “he said dissapointed.
Finally, prince and his crowd went home. When they’re walking pass a bush of bamboo cluster. Belang suddenly jump and running wild to the bamboo cluster and barking ito it. “Hey what’s wrong Belang? The guards who its rope asked. The dog doestn’t pay attention to what the guards said. It keeps barking and howling and running.
“What’s going on, Belang? What are you barking at? The prince said and tried to calm down the animal. “Please do check what’s beneath the bamboo cluster! The prince asked his guards. The guards searching carefully but they don’t find anything suspicious. “We’re not finding anything your highness, “ They reported after they were sure that there’s nothing weird in the cluster. If it so, then why does Belang barking and howling like that?  “Prince thought. “Let me check it myself he said.
The prince checked the bamboo cluster by himself. His guards were right, there was nothing there, but between the bamboo, there’s an odd thing. One of the bamboos was so gigantic that it’s bigger than a human body but it’s not to tall.
“Guards, did you saw this? The prince asked and pointing the bamboo. “We only took a glance of it, your highness”. “And then? “We ignored it cause it’s not an animal that we hunt, your highness, “answered the guards. “So, it is why you howled, Belang?” The dog waved its tail implying the answered yes.
The weird bamboo interest the prince very much that he asked his guards to cut down the tree. He would bring it home as replacement to hunted animal they’re not succeded to catch that day.“Don’t let anyone in the castle knew that we took this bamboo home, “The prince warned them.
“But, your highness with this size of the bamboo, where do we keep it? The guards asked in their confusion. “For a while, just put in my room, “Answered the prince. The second prince kept the bamboo he brought as a secret, he ordered his guards to put the bamboo directly to his room. The prince did not want his father become curious why he brought the bamboo home.
I am sorry  for keeping you away from where you belong, but don’t worry, I will keep you save with me, “The second prince murmured to the bamboo. The dawn was about to come and the prince was still soundly asleep when suddenly the giant bamboo cracked, from it came a beautiful girl and sat on the bamboo crack. She was suprised after she looked around the room. “Where am I? How did I get here? Asked the girl perplexed. She’s getting shocked when she was realized that she  was in a room with the prince who fall asleep. “And who is he? The girl sat in the bamboo crack until morning. When the prince wake up, he was shocked to see a beautiful girl in his room. He felt amused and afraid in the same time. If his father finds out that he kept a girl in a room, he will be sentenced, bring a girl to a room before marriage is forbidden by the common law. When he saw the bamboo cracked, he suspected that the girl came from bamboo.
“Did you come from this bamboo? Asked the prince. The beautiful girl nodded, “Oh my God, I will be doomed if my father finds out that you’re here. How can I hide you? The prince perplexed. The princess was suddenly lying down on the bamboo, then It closed. The girl was hidden.“Wait, what is your name? Cried the second prince. “My name is princess Buluh, “She answered.
The second prince worried about that happening again, so he secretly moved the gigantic bamboo in the corner covered by plants so that no one could see it. The prince back to his room with happy feeling. His heart has capticaved by the girl named princess Buluh. From that moment, every night by sealth the prince went to the garden to met princess Buluh who now has also fall for him.
The oldest prince felt suspicious since he often caught his younger brother secretly went to the garden. He followed him, the oldest son saw his brother met a very beautiful girl who appeared from a big bamboo and he fell to the girl too.
The old king suddenly became ill. He summoned his three sons  since he couldn’t rule the kingdom anymore. “Sons, do you know why I call you here? “Asked the king weakly. “No father, “Answered the oldest son, representing his brothers. “I am getting old and I wan to have a rest so I will appointed one of you to replace me in one condition....”the king didn’t finish his sentence. “What condition father? Asked the first prince. “He must have married, “Said the king. Hearing that requirement, the firs prince suddenly told his father he had a fiancee. He truly wanted to be king. “If you really have fiancee, then bring her here, implied the king wisely. “Okay father, “then , he left  the room to pick his fiancee up. His younger brother were shocked since their oldest brother never had any relationship with any girl before. How could be he already had a fiancee?.
The oldest son soon went to the castle’s garden to take the big bamboo to the king. “She is my fiancee, father said the first prince. The king was suprised to see his son announced a big bamboo as his fiancee. What do you mean my son? Is your fiancee a big bamboo? Asked him astonishingly. The first prince just smiled secretly, the king become impatient. “No kidding my son, show me  your fiancee soon, “Asked the king firmly. “Wait a minute father, “Said him. “I will show you something.
Everyone was so curious including the second prince. He was so worried. “i wish he didn’t  know about princess Buluh, said him in his mind. Then the oldest son  laid the bamboo and cracked it carefully, there it is the beautiful girl princess Buluh.
“Wow, it’s incredible! “the king was stunned. People were suprised to see  princess Bamboo especially the second prince. How could he know my greatest secret?”
“Here she is father my fiancee. I will soon marry her, Said the first prince. The second prince interrupted  and said that princess bamboo is his fiancee since he is the one who found her and brought her to the palace. Two guards who accompanied him also gave their testimonials.
“Was it true? “Yes, it’s true, your highness, I am the one who chopped it. Answered the guards. Princess bamboo approached  the second prince and held his hand. “The girl seems like you too, my second son, “said the king while laughing. “All right then, you will be married to each other, “The king said.
Soon after that, they got married and second prince was appointed to be new king. The first prince admitted his fault and the second prince forgave him then, the oldest and the youngest son helped their brother to rule the kingdom. The kingdom grew fast and the people became more prosperous.

·         Please summarize this story using your own words!
·         The summary at least not less than 15 (fifteen) sentences!
·         The summary consists of all characters in this story and also their habit!
·         This is a group’s task! One group consist at least 2 people and maximal 3 people!

Copied from: book published by Little serambi  "Princess Buluh"
The author: Ali muakhir


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The beginning of making this blog

Maroko atau al-Magrib (Morocco: Inggris), pada awalnya sungguh tidak pernah terpikirkan autor untuk mengunjunginya apalagi sampai menetap di negeri yang sangat asing tersebut bahkan sangat jarang terdengar oleh telinga dan sedikit pun tidak pernah terbetik di hati saya untuk mengunjunginya.

Ia terletak di benua Afrika bagian utara, berbatasan dengan negara: Spanyol di sebelah utara, Aljazair di sebelah timur, Mauritania di sebelah selatan dan di bagian sisi baratnya membentang lebar samudera Atlantik hingga ke benua Amerika. Jarak dari Indonesia sendiri ditempuh 18 jam perjalanan via airplane.

Maroko menyimpan sejuta kenangan yang hampir dipastikan tidak akan saya lupakan seumur hidup. Bagaimana tidak, di negeri Ibnu Batouta tersebutlah penulis bertemu, menikah dan mengarungi empat tahun bahtera perkawinan. Negerinya sangat eksotik sayang untuk dilupakan begitu saja berlalu termakan waktu.

Tujuan awal penulisan blog ini adalah pengenalan dan penggalian budaya masyarakat setempat (Maroko red) serta dokumentasi perjalanan saya selama merantau di negeri tersebut. Berbekal dengan pengalaman tinggal selama empat tahun tersebut serta keinginan kuat untuk mendokumentasikan cerita-cerita unik pelengkap koleksi foto serta budaya dan tradisi masyarakat setempatlah membuat saya sedikit nekat untuk menuliskan blog pertama saya ini.

Saya memilih Judul "Untaian Cerita dari al-Magribi", untuk mendokumentasikan setiap perjalanan penulis ke daerah-daerah tertentu serta objek unik yang penulis tidak pernah jumpai dimanapun baik di Qatar, tempat bermukim penulis sebelumnya seperti sistem jual beli dan Driyal yang berlaku serta sempat membuat keki dan kelimpungan penulis.

Saya sangat mengharapkan blog ini dapat menjadi semacam buku 'pintar' yang berisi info-info singkat yang dibutuhkan orang yang ingin berkunjung ke negara tersebut juga dapat menjadi tour naratif yang deskriktif sehingga seolah-olah pembaca dapat merasakan 'aroma' Maroko serta menyelami pengalaman saya.

Banyak sekali hal-hal yang sangat layak kita ketahui tentang Maroko, bagaimana tidak Indonesia sebagai Negara Islam terbesar harus tahu tentang sejarah peradaban Andalusia yang sangat lama serta kokoh yang berada di sebagian daerah Maroko. Juga dari segi tokoh-tokoh baik ilmuwan, penjelajah dan pejuang yang mengharumkan segenap persada dunia Islam pada khususnya adalah orang Maroko. Hubungan emosional masyarakat Maroko dan Indonesia yang sangat dekat juga dirasakan penulis sebagai alasan tepat penulisan blog ini. Bagaimana tidak dahulunya proklamator kita dan raja Mohammed V berkarib dekat sampai-sampai terdapat penamaan jalan yang mengambil nama 'Jakarta', 'Bandoeng' serta 'Soekarno' begitu pula terdapat nama tempat 'Casablanca' yang sebenarnya adalah nama salah satu kota penting di Maroko.

Mungkin selama ini terbetik dalam benak kita bahwa universitas Islam yang tertua di dunia adalah Al Azhar-Cairo padahal ditilik dari sejarah ternyata universitas Al Karawiyyin di kota Fes telah berdiri kokoh 120 tahun sebelum Al Azhar serta adalah salah satu alumninya seorang pemimpin gereja katolik tertinggi Vatikan-Roma yaitu Paus Paulus Salvatore VIII!!!.

Arita Agustina Med HATTA